Why Social Health is Key to Retention and Engagement
In today’s workplace, isolation has quietly become one of the most significant threats to employee well-being and productivity. As humans, we are wired for connection—it’s as essential as sunlight, water, and nutrients are to a plant. Yet, we find ourselves in environments that neglect this fundamental need, leading to feelings of disconnection, disengagement, and burnout. When a plant withers, we don’t assume it’s inherently flawed; we ask whether it’s receiving the right care. Similarly, when employees struggle, it’s often because their basic social and emotional needs are not being met.
Workplace isolation stems from unnatural environments where technology overshadows in-person interaction, hybrid setups reduce team bonding, and relentless pressure to perform leaves no room for genuine connection. This isolation doesn’t just impact morale—it drives up turnover, erodes collaboration, and hinders innovation. Teams with poor social health often experience higher rates of absenteeism and disengagement, ultimately costing organizations more than they realize.
REL Solutions recognizes this gap and offers a fresh perspective with the Social Fitness Test. This evidence-based tool evaluates critical areas like workplace connection, emotional fitness, and technology habits to provide a clear picture of a team’s social well-being. By identifying where teams are struggling, organizations can take targeted action to create a culture that nourishes employees’ innate need for connection. Addressing workplace isolation isn’t just about improving performance; it’s about restoring what’s natural and necessary for human thriving.